Our packing machinery development problems

Packaging machinery means can complete all or part of the products and commodities packaging process of the machinery. Packaging process including filling, sealing wrapping package, mainly working procedure, and related processes, such as cleaning, before DuiMa and remove, etc. In addition, packing also includes metering or stamped on the working procedure such as package. Use mechanical packaging product can increase productivity, reduce labor intensity, adapt to the needs of large-scale production, and meet the requirements of clean sanitation.
In today's world, packaging machinery and equipment and production line renewal far ahead of the Japanese, in this field, however, earned lots of dollars. Southeast Asian tigers also steps in packaging machinery Japanese footsteps, the manufacture of equipment and production line have not heart performance; In the European Union, Italian packaging machinery and equipment and production line renewal is far more than other members of the pace of faster.
So most of the parts, unit to get reuse, both parts to improve equipment and save the value of raw material and a lot of Labour, reduced cost. This development trends indicate that packaging machine and equipment, production line more and more to the standardization and serialization of intention, the assembly of the development of the model, online. Civil and military high technology will also increasingly enter widely whole packaging machinery equipment field. The fierce market competition, will undoubtedly accelerate packaging machinery and equipment in all trades and professions technical renovation the renewal and pace.
Many types of packaging machinery, classification methods are very much. From different point of view, the products will have a variety of state points, liquid, massive, bulk grain of body packaging machine, According to the packing function points, have inner packing bags, outside installed; According to the packaging industry points, food machine package, daily chemical, textiles and other packaging machine; According to the packing station points, progressive transitions bits, packaging machines; Press automation degree points, a semi-automatic, fully automatic packaging machines, etc.
Packaging machinery to food is very important, also be the necessary food equipment .
Par shmilydo le mardi 24 mai 2011


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